攬客報表(Aquistion Report)可以讓管理者看到流量的來源, 例如: email, 搜尋引擎, 或是社交媒體等等, 也等同於讓管理者分析投資在哪個宣傳管道是能帶來正確流量的, 這有助於管理者做對的廣告策略.
1. 頻道(channel): 在此報表, 管理者可以看到流量是來自哪些管道, 包括: 「來源(source」(例如: google.com, yahoo.com), 「媒介(medium)」(例如: organic, referral, direct, email...), 以及關鍵字(keyword). 管理者如果看到大部分的流量來自於如 google/organic的非付費的量來源, 那表示網站的流量來源相當健康. 若流量來源是 google/cpc, 則表示網站流量來自於付費管道. director/none是表示使用者直接打入網址或是加入我的最愛之後來到網站, referral則是透過推薦來源. 管理者可以在報表中進一步看到各流量來源的跳出率(bounce rate), 如果某個管道來源的跳出率過高, 則表示該來源的訪客進入網站後所看到的內容和期待中有落差, 管理者就必須調整內容. 此外, 管理者可以在報表中加入次要維度, 深度觀察某一個流量來源的內容, 例如, 公司可能在youtube上放了五支不同的影片, 管理者可以將內容加入到次維度, 則可以看出從五支影片來源流量的品質(例如跳出率高低, 轉換率高低等等)
2. 廣告活動(compaings):管理者可以手動設定所有非adword的廣告活動, 以便分析出每一個廣告活動的效益.
If you have access to a Google Analytics account that is currently collecting data, we recommend you use it as a reference for completing this activity. If you do not have an account with data, you can use the practice account you created in Unit 4 and this lesson's video to familiarize yourself with how to navigate Google Analytics in order to answer the questions below.
Reminder: The Acquisition reports have replaced the 'Traffic Sources' section in Google Analytics.
Reminder: The Acquisition reports have replaced the 'Traffic Sources' section in Google Analytics.
1.To see the bounce rate of a specific medium in an Acquisitions report:
Check all that apply.
Check all that apply.
A.Change the primary dimension in the Channels report to “Medium” and view the Bounce Rate metric
B.Change the primary dimension in the Source/Medium report to “Medium” and view the Bounce Rate metric
C.Change the primary dimension in the Referrals report to “Medium” and view the Bounce Rate metric
D.You cannot see this information in any Acquisitions reports.
C.Change the primary dimension in the Referrals report to “Medium” and view the Bounce Rate metric
D.You cannot see this information in any Acquisitions reports.
解答: A,B; 題意是要看特定媒介的跳出率, 這在管道或來源媒介下選媒介, 皆可看到
2. Which of the following types of traffic will show in the "Campaigns" report?
Check all that apply
Check all that apply
A.Visits from Google AdWords campaigns that have autotagging enabled
B.Visits from Google AdWords campaigns that have autotagging disabled and no manual campaign tagging
C.Visits from all links tagged with the parameter utm_medium=cpc
D.Visits from all links tagged with the utm_campaign parameter
C.Visits from all links tagged with the parameter utm_medium=cpc
D.Visits from all links tagged with the utm_campaign parameter
解答: A,D; 廣告活動報表可以看到Adword的報表, 和管理者手動設定的報表(utm_campaign)
3. True or False. It is possible to customize the default channels in the Channels report and create your own custom channels from scratch.
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
解答: A; 管理者可以手動設定客製化報表