Google Analytics處理原始資訊時, 管理者設定的篩選器, 可以讓Google Analytics將原始資料處理程管理者想看到的資料檢視. 篩選器(filter)有主要三項功能: 1. 剔除某部分資料 2. 加入某部分資料 3. 改變報表呈現方式; 利用篩選器可以讓管理者看到更符合公司需求的報表.
例如: 管理者可以使用篩選器剔除公司內部員工瀏覽網站的資料(例如: 不列入某IP位址來源的使用者資料), 讓網站Google Analytics資料真實呈現外部客戶的使用情形.
管理者也可以使用篩選器整理資料, 例如, Google Analytics把大小寫的網址資料視為不同, 這時候可以用篩選器將資料整合, 視為相同來源, 讓報表更能真實呈現現實的狀況.

1. Create a filter for the view "2 - (test view)" that would prevent traffic from the following IP address from showing in the report view:
When you’re done creating the filter for the test view, apply the same filter to the view "1 - (master view)."
- Which of the following is the correct way to set up the IP address filter described above?

A.Create a Predefined filter excluding traffic from the IP addresses that begin with 193.88.222
B.Create a Predefined filter excluding traffic from the IP address that is equal to
C.Create a Predefined filter including traffic from the IP address that is equal to
D.Create a Predefined filter excluding traffic from the ISP domain that is equal to
解答: B, 利用篩選器剔除某一個IP位址來源的資料
2. True or False: The order in which filters appear in your settings matters.
A.True. Filters are executed in the order in which they appear
B.False. Google Analytics does not take filter order into account
解答:A, Google Analytics會按照篩選器的順序篩選資料
3. Why is it important that you maintain one unfiltered view when using filters with your analytics account?
A.Without one unfiltered profile, you will not be able to use a filter for multiple views
B.You can only use predefined filters with unfiltered views
C.There is no reason to maintain an unfiltered view
D.Since raw data cannot be reprocessed, maintaining an unfiltered view ensures that the original data can always be accessed
解答: D, 帳號裡面務必要留存一組原始資料的資源作為備份,因為原始資料被篩選器處理過後即無法恢復 

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